Would you like to make a difference in your child's/children's education? The Fairfield Board of Education will have four At-Large positions available. The deadline is quickly approaching. Please see the attached flyer for information
over 5 years ago, Amy Riggs
BOE ad
Have you ever dreamed of being a bus driver?? Well we have the job for you!!! See the attached flyer for info.
over 5 years ago, Amy Riggs
Bus ad
NO MIDDLE SCHOOL BOYS SUMMER LEAGUE BASKETBALL. There was not enough interest to field a team this summer.
over 5 years ago, Fairfield USD 310
Position available: Three year old Pre-K aide for 2019-2020 school year. Please see the attachment.
over 5 years ago, Amy Riggs
Summer football weights will be held Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 6:00-7:00 am beginning May 27.
over 5 years ago, Jessica Mathes
High school girls who are playing summer league basketball will have practice every Sunday at 8:00 pm beginning May 19. Summer league will run through the month of June.
over 5 years ago, Jessica Mathes
Summer weights for volleyball will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays beginning May 30 at 6:30. Any girls who will be in grades 6-12 during the 2019-2020 school year are welcome to attend.
over 5 years ago, Jessica Mathes
Grades 2nd-5th boys and girls that would like to play football with the Bulldogs this fall, please see the attached flyer.
over 5 years ago, Amy Riggs
Class Dojo points auction for grades 4-6.
over 5 years ago, Darrin SanRomani
class auction
Students in Mr. Bingham's 7th grade science class investigated what happens when Mentos are dropped into a bottle of Diet Coke today during class!
over 5 years ago, Jessica Mathes
Order of events for Regional Track Meet on Thursday, May 16.
over 5 years ago, Jessica Mathes
Last day to turn in forms for MS Boys Basketball Summer league is Thursday, May 16th. If we do not have at least 8 boys, we will not participate in the summer league.
over 5 years ago, Michael Treat
Mrs. Zongker’s four year old students sang and performed songs during their End of Year celebration and promotion to kindergarten.
over 5 years ago, Betsy McKinney
Feeling Happy Song
Today our three-year-olds celebrated the end of their year at school.
over 5 years ago, Betsy McKinney
Three Year Olds
FES awards ceremony.
over 5 years ago, Darrin SanRomani
1st grade students
KRR students
Kindergarten students
Thanks to Ms. Fulk and her horticulture students for their landscaping work at the elementary entrance. It looks great!
over 5 years ago, Betsy McKinney
Regional track has been moved from Friday, May 17 to Thursday, May 16 due to the threat of rain.
over 5 years ago, Jessica Mathes
8th Grade Promotion will begin at 7:00 Monday evening. 8th graders need to arrive no later than 6:30.
over 5 years ago, Jessica Mathes
The FMS Awards Assembly will begin at 2:00 today!
over 5 years ago, Jessica Mathes
Tomorrow (Friday) is the big day! Come see the middle school drama club play at 9:30 am or 7:00 pm. The show last approximately 45 minutes. See you there!
over 5 years ago, Chelsey Juenemann