Parent/Teacher conferences are today and tomorrow from 4-8 each day. Be sure to stop by and visit with your child’s teachers!
over 5 years ago, Jessica Mathes
Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held Monday, October 28 and Tuesday, October 29 from 4-8 PM each day. Middle and High School teachers will be available in their classrooms each evening. Please plan to come meet with your child's teachers.
over 5 years ago, Jessica Mathes
FHS football travels to Norwich tonight. Kick-off is at 7:00.
over 5 years ago, Jessica Mathes
HCC Recruitment day is finished. We had a great day! Thanks HCC!
over 5 years ago, Angela Glascock
Waiting for door prizes.
Career fair
Ran into a Fairfield alumni!
Welcome from Dr. File
Road trip with juniors and seniors to the HCC Recruitment Day!
over 5 years ago, Angela Glascock
Road trip
Road trip
Really bringing out the field in FairFIELD with our cattle monitoring recess!
over 5 years ago, Jenny Knoche
Really bringing out the field in FairFIELD, with our cattle monitoring recess!
Breakfast and lunch menus for November
over 5 years ago, Amy Riggs
November calendar with changes.
over 5 years ago, Amy Riggs
We love our transportation personnel!
over 5 years ago, Darrin SanRomani
kindergarten with their sign for the bus personnel
Egg drop in Mr. Hewitt’s STEM class.
over 5 years ago, Jessica Mathes
Egg drop
Students in Mr. Hewitt’s science class tested their airplanes today.
over 5 years ago, Jessica Mathes
TRUNK OR TREAT is quickly approaching. Please see the attachment for date and time.
over 5 years ago, Amy Riggs
Trunk or Treat
Make a Difference Day
over 5 years ago, Jessica Mathes
More pictures from Make A Difference Day!
over 5 years ago, Jessica Mathes
Make A Difference Day at Fairfield! Students in K-12th grade helped spruce up around campus this morning!
over 5 years ago, Jessica Mathes
MAD day
Make a difference day
make a difference day
FHS Lady Falcon volleyball will face St. John this afternoon in Little River in the first round of regional play. Game will begin at approximately 4:00.
over 5 years ago, Jessica Mathes
First graders had their annual pumpkinology unit last Friday and had lots of fun learning all about the life cycle of a pumpkin. Here are some pictures of the pumpkinolgists at work.
over 5 years ago, Betsy McKinney
Counting the Seeds
Learning the cycle of life
Here is a sneak peek of the updated FACS room. Students will have classes in there starting on Monday!
over 5 years ago, Emily Meireis
Kitchen area
Sneak peek
Sneak peek
Falcons fall to South Haven
over 5 years ago, Jessica Mathes
Falcons trail South Haven 34-0 at the end of the 1st quarter.
over 5 years ago, Jessica Mathes