Immunization requirements for the state and district.
over 6 years ago, Darrin SanRomani
Parents of Kindergarten students - please remember to complete the State Questionnaire! Check out the link on the USD 310 homepage under Parents!
over 6 years ago, Angela Glascock
Seeking host families for exchange students in our area: Fairfield High School in partnership with ASSE is looking for host families for this school year! Please message us or contact Chelsey Juenemann for more information at 785-443-0904 or PLEASE contact Chelsey if you are interested at all; we would love to host several exchange students this year. This is the website you need to apply to host an exchange student during this school year: #ASSEConnect
over 6 years ago, Betsy McKinney
Exchange Students/Host Families Needed
Hello Fairfield! I look forward to meeting all of you at enrollment tomorrow and Friday! I am excited for the upcoming year and I am very thankful to be in this welcoming and awesome district!
over 6 years ago, Darrin SanRomani
Enrollment details!
over 6 years ago, Betsy McKinney
Enrollment Details for later this week!
ENROLLMENT for Fairfield Schools is this Thursday and Friday (August 9th and 10th) with Thursday's time being 3:00-7:00 pm. Friday's time is from 9:00 am until noon. Please enter at the district office doors.
over 6 years ago, Betsy McKinney
Ready to Enroll?
The summer is drawing to a close. Are you ready for this school year? School begins on August 27th, 2018. We hope to see you at the Back-To-School-Bash on Friday, August 24th!
over 6 years ago, Betsy McKinney
Back-2-School Bash
Look for some definite changes in the website in the next few days. And there will be a BIG (and good!) surprise to go along with it!
over 6 years ago, Fairfield USD 310
Mobile App
Back to School August 27 K-12 starts back on August 27, pre-K starts on Tuesday, September 4. Daycare is waiting on inspection from the State Fire Marshal - date will be published as soon as we know!
over 6 years ago, Angela Glascock
If you are looking for when your student is supposed to come to athletic practice, look no further! Click the link for a list of dates and times!
over 6 years ago, Angela Glascock
Welcome to Fairfield USD 310!
over 6 years ago, Angela Glascock
Have you seen the new Fairfield signs going up in our communities? Three more were installed today, thanks to Drew Kennedy, Chris Hewitt, and Heath Hewitt.
over 6 years ago, Fairfield USD 310
We support our Fairfield Falcons sign
Check out this useful Thrillshare information!
over 6 years ago, Fairfield USD 310