Approved at 3/18/24 BOE Meeting

Cell Phone Changes for 23-24/To be Enforced April 2nd, 2024

Changes are Bold and Italicized


Current Policy pg 13-14

CELL PHONES, TELEPHONE USAGE, PERSONAL DIGITAL DEVICES All cell phones need to be turned off during class, unless otherwise approved. FES students may have their phones at school but must be turned off and left in their locker or in a teacher’s designated spot in the classroom. FMS students may use their cell phones during the lunch hour at the discretion of the principal. FHS may use their phones during passing periods and during lunch hour at the discretion of the principal. The phone in the office may be used between classes with permission only. Students may not leave class or seminar period to come to the office unless it is an extreme emergency. The school phone may be used for school business (prom arrangements, yearbook ads, etc.). Students will not be called to the office to take telephone calls, except in extreme emergencies. 

Consequences for violating the cell phone policy: First violation- The cell phone will be confiscated and the student may pick it up after school in the FHS office. Second violation- The cell phone will be confiscated and the student’s parents must pick up the phone. Third and subsequent violations- The student will lose cell phone privileges for the remainder of the semester. 

The use of all digital devices, whether personal or school-owned, must comply with the student handbook rules. Middle school students will not be allowed to listen to a music device (i-pods, MP3, cell phones) during school. The only exception to this rule is if a teacher would like to reward students with this opportunity during class time. Consequences for violating this policy will be the same as the cell phone policy. 

Changes to Be Made ASAP With BOE Approval


Definition: Cell Phone or Electronic Device is defined as any non-district issued device(s) that can communicate with other devices electronically or with the internet via browsers, apps, or other access methods. Some communication devices that would be included (although not exhaustive) with this definition would be cell phones, smart phones, smart watches, and gaming systems.

All electronic devices must be turned off during class. Elementary students must turn in their electronic devices daily to their teacher. Students may have their phones/electronic devices at school, but they must be placed in each teacher’s designated spot during

class. For FMS and FHS students, this includes each hour of the day. If a student has to leave class before the bell rings, they may not take their electronic devices with them out of the room, unless they are leaving school for the day. Students will pick up their electronic devices at the end of each class period (FMS and FHS) from the teacher’s designated spot. Students may use their electronic devices during passing periods and over the lunch hour. Medical and emergency exceptions may be considered by the principal on a case-by-case basis.


The phone in the office may be used between classes with permission only. Students may not leave class or seminar period to come to the office unless it is an emergency. The school phone may be used for school business (prom arrangements, yearbook ads, etc.). Students will not be called to the office to take telephone calls, except in extreme emergencies.

Consequences for violating the electronic device policy:

First violation- The electronic device will be taken to the office and the student may pick it up after school in the FHS office. Parents will be notified.

Second violation- The electronic device will be taken to the office and the student’s parents must pick up the device.

Third and subsequent violations - The student will serve an in-school suspension and parents will be notified. The student will also be required to check their electronic devices into the office before the start of each school day for the semester. Subsequent violations will result in longer suspensions, as determined by the principal.

The use of all digital devices, whether personal or school-owned, must comply with the student handbook rules. Students will not be allowed to listen to a music device (ear pods, headphones, digital devices, cell phones, etc.) during class time. Consequences for violating this policy will be the same as the electronic device policy.


Current Policy pg. 32-33

ITEMS NOT ALLOWED AT SCHOOL Weapons* of any kind, including toy weapons, electronics, trading cards, dolls, handheld computer games, pets, and any other items that are not appropriate, or a distraction at school are not allowed. Certain items may be brought for show and tell if authorized by the teacher. If there are questions about a specific item, contact the principal. *Board of Education Policy JCDBB Exception: Cell phones, headphones, iPods, and/or MP3 players may be allowed at school with the permission of the administration and teacher. Fairfield Schools are not responsible for property that is left unattended and is misplaced, stolen, or broken. Students are encouraged to lock up their property in their assigned locker

Changes to Be Made In Handbook pg. 32-33 ASAP with BOE Approval

ITEMS NOT ALLOWED AT SCHOOL Weapons* of any kind, including toy weapons, electronics, trading cards, dolls, handheld computer games, pets, and any other items that are not appropriate, or a distraction at school are not allowed. Certain items may be brought for show and tell if authorized by the teacher. If there are questions about a specific item, contact the principal. *Board of Education Policy JCDBB

Fairfield Schools are not responsible for property that is left unattended and is misplaced, stolen, or broken. Students are encouraged to lock up their property in their assigned locker. *Board of Education Policy JCDBB