Updated 4.23.2024

Fairfield Schools has certified opening for:

Grades 7-9 ELA teacher:

Fairfield Schools is a school-wide Title One school and as a result, successful applicants may be eligible for student loan forgiveness.
ESOL Endorsement is preferred but not required.
Supplement assignments may also be available.

FACS teacher:

Fairfield Schools is a school-wide Title One school and as a result, successful applicants may be eligible for student loan forgiveness.
ESOL Endorsement is preferred but not required.
Supplement assignments may also be available.

To Apply

The following application procedure has been established. It is the applicant’s responsibility to complete these procedures to be considered for the vacancy:

  1. Completed USD #310 Application form .

  2. Letter of application.

  3. Resume.

  4. References.

  5. Copy of current Kansas Teacher certificate.

  6. College transcripts and three current letters of recommendations.

  7. Release of Information Waiver.

Please send information to Amy Riggs by email to, or by mail to Board Clerk, 16115 S. Langdon Rd., Langdon, KS 67583.

USD 310 is an EOE